Know your state’s laws on distracted driving.
Familiarize yourself with your state’s graduated driver licensing system and enforce its guidelines for your teen. Emphasize that texts and phone calls can wait until arriving at a destination. Remind them driving is a skill that requires the driver’s full attention.
Share stories and statistics related to teen/young adult drivers and distracted driving.
Talk to your teen or young adult about the rules and responsibilities involved in driving. Reduce distractions for the driver by assisting with navigation or other tasks. Speak up if you are a passenger in a car with a distracted driver. Consider trying an app to reduce distractions while driving. You can use apps to help you avoid cell phone use while driving. Whether it’s adjusting your mirrors, selecting music, eating, making a phone call, or reading a text or email―do it before or after your trip, not during. Source : Transportation Risk Behaviors Among High School Students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019 Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2019 more likely to drive after drinking alcohol. more likely to ride with a driver who had been drinking alcohol and. more likely to not always wear a seat belt. Students who texted or emailed while driving were also more likely to report other transportation risk behaviors. They were:. Texting or emailing while driving was as common among students whose grades were mostly As or Bs as among students with mostly Cs, Ds, or Fs. Texting or emailing while driving was more common among older students than younger students (see figure below) and more common among White students (44%) than Black (30%) or Hispanic students (35%). 39% of high school students who drove in the past 30 days texted or emailed while driving on at least one of those days. Among these younger drivers, 9% of them were distracted at the time of the crash. A higher percentage of drivers ages 15–20 were distracted than drivers age 21 and older. Among fatal crashes involving distracted drivers in the U.S. Although, LA Galaxy, for the reputable club it is, has got quite a spoilt audience. The stereotype that the American public does not understand ‘soccer’ and that they, therefore, do not really feel connected to what happens on the pitch was far to be found. But after the game, everybody exited the stadium calmly as if nothing happened and ordered another Mexican hotdog with bell pepper and fresh onions. Beer was being thrown into the air and the local sheriff had to show his face from time to time. You could feel the rivalry once the match started, with plenty of shouts from the away end to Galaxy’s fanatics. Only on the Southern stand, the fans of LAFC were not welcomed. On most stands, both fanbases were also mixed together without any problems.
Before kick-off, fans of both clubs were walking and hanging around the stadium in all friendliness. The ‘El Tráfico’ we visited was surprisingly fierce, particularly given the impressive away stand filled with people in black t-shirts, LAFC’s club colour. The BMO Stadium, which has a modern glass roof, is located in Exposition Park and was opened in 2018. Their city rivals LAFC, who were only founded a couple of years ago, also have their own stadium that is primarily used for football or, as they would say, ‘soccer’. This is where you will find the diehard Galaxy fans. The more ‘open’ Southern stand, which is completely terraced, lies against a green hill with palm trees. On the Northern stand shines a large scoreboard and a row of VIP boxes and billboards.
The stands behind the goal both have their own unique character. The two stands on the touchlines consist of two tiers with a roof on top. It is rather compact with 27,000 seats and four completely different stands. The home ground itself, however, is surprisingly nice and is on top of that a proper football stadium, which is not a given in most American stadiums. The stadium is located in the southern neighbourhood of Carson. LA Galaxy’s stadium has got quite an ugly sponsor name: Dignity Health Sports Park.